custom outdoor kitchen

Nov 17, 2017

Grow Entertaining Space & Home Value with a Custom Outdoor Kitchen

Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner outdoors? Why not? It worked for the Pilgrims.

Believe it or not, more and more homeowners are planning holiday parties in their custom outdoor kitchens. And while the potential for a cold snap is ever-present in the Mid-Atlantic in late November, the heat generated from a gas stove and adjacent firepit or fireplace are typically enough to fight off a deep freeze.

Some chefs might simply prefer preparing the holiday’s main attraction indoors, however. In that case, an outdoor kitchen can serve as a stellar secondary cooking space, expediting the meal and feeding hungry guests faster.

Even if grilling out on Turkey Day is not in your personal forecast, adding a custom outdoor kitchen to your home can provide myriad benefits year around:

  • They are the perfect place to entertain. When you utilize your custom outdoor kitchen for a holiday celebration or get-together, socialization tends to synchronize with nature and its generous space. Family and friends gather around the stove, the firepit, and the patio, as opposed to cramming themselves into your home’s indoor kitchen, or stationing themselves in front of the television to watch the big game.

Your outdoor kitchen is also a prime opportunity to extend your living space. Pair it with a luxury patio, or an Italian-influenced loggia, which introduces other living room comforts to the great outdoors.

  • They are efficient – in more ways than one. Cooking outdoors keeps your home free of smoke and heat, which can reduce utility bills in the long run. Additionally, once the meal is over, so are the scents of food – which rapidly fade in the open air, instead of lingering in your kitchen for days on end.
  • They boost your home’s curb appeal. Stunning stainless steel and chrome, immaculate stone and woodwork, and impeccable functionality combine to create a one-of-a-kind installment unique to your home and your imagination. This almost guarantees a high rate of return on your investment, and increases the value of your home exponentially.
  • They are adaptable. Best of all, just like the dishes you will soon be serving guests, custom home kitchens are made to order! Imagine an outdoor entertainment area outfitted with any number of the following accoutrements:
    • Refrigerators
    • Ice makers
    • Stainless steel grills
    • Steel sinks and faucets
    • Outdoor movie theaters

Ultimately, cooking outdoors – particularly grilling – is much healthier for you and your family. Because you control the amount of oil, salt, and fat used, made-at-home meals are typically much lower in the grease and additives for which carryout is notorious.

McHale can help you plan a custom outdoor kitchen perfect for family meals, social gatherings, and neighborly conversation. Contact us today to turn up the heat on your dream kitchen.
